Detailed programme and keynotes

Overarching goal of the meeting

 This meeting is ending the CRITEX program, which was an “excellence program” funded for developing new sensors of the Critical Zone (2011-2022). It is also the beginning of a new program that will follow up CRITEX, the TERRA FORMA program (a 10 years program aiming at developing low cost sensors and favoring the co-construction of research questions with citizens). In addition, this meeting occurs at a period where the French communities of OZCAR (Earth sciences) and Zone Ateliers (Ecology and socio-ecology) are expected to play a role in the European construction of eLTER research infrastructure. This means, estimating eLTER’s involvement is one or several Topic Centers and also selecting a number of sites that will be candidate to the European labeling process.

 More generally, the meeting aims at addressing the necessary evolving relationships between scientists and society and the absolute need to change the way land is used.

 This meeting is a scientific meeting, organised in 3 sessions, and but is associated to a working session in the format of a world café. At the end of the meeting, we hope to be able to write a 4 pages position paper reflecting the conclusions of the group and proposing lines of evolution. This paper will be distributed to the funders. The funders are invited and should attend the meeting.

Sessions only have invited speakers that will be given 30 minutes talks and 15 minutes of questions/discussion with the audience
three sessions will cover the diversity that characterizes the research of national territorial observation systems.

Opening by Michael Mirtl, UFZ Leipzig, and John Watkins, CEH UK.

The videos of the presentation are available on the OZCAR RIYou Tube chain here.

Session 1: Critical zone instrumentation, from CRITEX to TERRA FORMA
This session is about instrumentation. It shows some of the research efforts made within the CRITEX program and opens the discussion on TERRA FORMA and what happens in other countries in terms of instrumental development.

* Jennifer Druhan (University of Illinois, United-States): "RiverLab: linking river chemistry and flow through high frequency concentration discharge records"
* Arnaud Elger (Functional Ecology and Environment Laboratory, Toulouse, France): "The Econect project"

* Camille Bouchez (Geosciences Rennes, Rennes, France): "Subsurface transport and reactivity: which role in the critical zone?"
* Jannis Groh (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany): "TERENO: Networked infrastructure of terrestrial environmental observatories in Germany"

Session 2: Sciences for action and transformation
This session aims at showing how socio-ecological systems can be studied based on infrastructures in which data acquisition and co-production of knowledge with stakeholders  and action driven knowledge are produced. French and European examples will be given.

* Michael Mirtl (UFZ, Germany and EPA, Austria, coordinator eLTER): "eLTER perspective"
* Daniel Orenstein (Institute of Technology, Technion Israel): "Socio ecological research as a catalyst for transformative change"
* Nigel Yoccoz, (Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, UiT Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway): "Co-producing knowledge relevant to society: the Climate-Ecological Observatory of Arctic Tundra (COAT)"
* Alexandre Deloménie (ARCEAU Ile-de France, Paris, France) and Laurence Lestel, Michel Meybeck (METIS, Environment, transfers and interactions in soils and water bodies, Paris France) : "The PIREN-Seine program"
* Alexandra Arènes (Landscape Architect and PhD) will present her work on the cartography of critical zones, part of the Terra Forma program.

Session 3: What should the LTSER observatory of the future looks like?
This session is partly aiming at nourishing the workshop session of the afternoon. We will address the strengths and weaknesses of our national research infrastructures and how they fit into the foreseen European landscape of research infrastructures in particular eLTER-Fr.
We wish to address the very sensitive topic of the links between academic and operational worlds in France.

Jérôme Gaillardet (IPGP, Paris, France) and Philippe Choler (LECA, Grenoble, France): "SWOT analysis of the French networks for the observation of territories"
Olivier Ragueneau (LEMAR, Brest, France): "Towards observatories of transformation in the French LTSER platforms RZA (Réseau des Zones Ateliers)"
* Patrick Degeorges, independent: "The art of effects - sensitive experiments"

Working Groups
Anouck Hubert, a professional, will organise the collective work. The outcomes will be synthetized and summarized in the small restitution session at the end of the meeting. A position paper is expected to be written in the weeks following the workshop and distributed to the different funders (NROs). This paper will express the position of the OZCAR and Zones Ateliers communities and will identify the main concrete actions to be undertaken.



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